What time is it? 

What time is it?

In case you didn't know, TX is in the central time zone. I've never lived in the central time zone before. My friend Liza moved to the central time zone a couple years ago, and i was just flabbergasted that such a thing even exists. You know on the commercials when the announcer says "8/7 central"? i never knew what that meant. so liza moved to wisconsin and told me how wacky it was to watch primetime tv at 7pm, but here's the thing, and i don't know whether she came up w/ it, or i did, but we were both perplexed: see... everything comes on 1 hour earlier in central time. on the surface, that sounds fine. 9pm shows come on at 8, 8pm shows come on at 7, etc. BUT, the 6 o clock news is still on at 6. And then 8pm shows come on at 7. So you may ask. So? So where's jeopardy? Liza looked forever. She found it at 4.30 in wisconsin. 4.30. who wants to watch jeopardy at 4.30? most me are still at work then. (not me of course, but most people). it's just kind of bizarro. oh, you should check out liza's blog by the way. she has lots of random thoughts posted there: www.wiscolizard.blogspot.com

yesterday was a traumatic day. i realized that my routine didn't make much sense. everyday i head to the post office and library at 9.45, and return around noon. what i discovered yesterday, was that in doing so, i miss out at price is right at 10 am, and Magnum PI at 11am. most people, mary included, might think this is stupid. but when you do nothing when yourself, it's good to revolve your life around good (or at least watchable) tv shows. i have lots of practice at this.
see---NOTHING good comes on my 15 channels of tv in the afternoon. so it would make more sense to watch Bob Barker and Magnum, and then go to the library at 12.

Price is Right coming on at 10 presents another interesting dilemma for me. when i was younger, and would go to the beach or something, my self-made rule was that you couldn't drink alcohol before Price is right came on, which is typically 11 o clock. that sounds bad i guess, but often at beach trips, people are just inclined to drink and drink and sleep. there has to be limits! and i set mine with Rod Roddy and Bob Barker. no drinks before they call people to "come on down". and 11 o clock, might be frowned upon as a time to start drinking, but it's certainly better than 10am. yikes. it's sad when a rule i've held so steadfastly too for years gets changed...

maybe i have too much free time.

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Comment Magnum PI is a GREAT show!!! Oh, and you do have too much time on your hands,

Sun Oct 9, 2005 4:34 am MST by Betsy

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