Chickens in the fall 

Chickens in the fall

it finally feels like fall here! its very cool outside to (relatively speaking) and it feels great. we took the Gus on a longer river walk this AM, and then walked to the library. i didn't even break a sweat!

Gus traipsed through several areas of the river today. he loves getting in the shallow water. he got in a little bit deeper water today, and didn't like it as much. i picked him up and took him back to the shallow part, and he ran thru it. he's funny.

all of a sudden there's pumpkins all over town. guess you can't really put out a pumpkin when the temp is 103. today must be the magic day. pumpkins everywhere. there was a scarecrow on the Rio Bonito property this AM. it scared me.

so i never told you one of my new least fav. activities. i mentioned it briefly in one of my concert reviews, but i know some people don't like to read over there: rounding up chickens. that's right. hard as it is to imagine me rounding up chickens, i did it. my buddy M had/has helped us out immensely w/ settling in, and the other week were we going to a show together. he asked if i'd be willing to help him round up some chickens for a friend of his (who happens to be a pretty famous TX musician). since he'd helped me out a ton, and since it seemed like a fun adventure, i said ok. holy crap. it wasn't fun. i hated it. we showed up and all the chickens were gone. 12 or 13 missing chickens. i guess usually you just go in the yard and shoo the chickens towards the chicken coop and lock the door. today all of the chickens except for 2 or 3 had made a daring escape and were sitting exactly 10 inches from the fence, but on the outside of the fence. they were a lot less willing to go back into the yard and into the coop. they ran through the woods and tried to fly and just basically did what they wanted. i was wondering before we got there exactly how you round up chickens. i found out it's mostly luck. the woods were full of thicket (does that sentence make sense? it doesn't seem right, but it was). so it was hard to run thru the woods. chickens are significantly smaller than humans, w/ the exception of little people and pygmies, especially the 3 humans that were trying to round them up. so anytime we'd try to "direct" the chickens to go one way, they'd duck under brush and sticks and escape. chickens make me mad. it was really hot too while we were doing this. and i thought my friends had done this before, and truthfully i think they had, but it had apparently never been so difficult.

somehow, we finally got them all rounded up.
then we left and went to rock out.
i don't think i like chickens anymore.

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