Little things about TX 

Little things about TX

there's no food lions or Krogers or Harris Teeter's anywhere.
instead there's HEB stores. and HEB is everywhere.
and that's ok w/ me. they have good offbrand stuff. and on a budget, everything we buy is offbrand.

of course there's no HEB in Wimberley. Just the Brookshire Brothers. It has a pretty limited selection of stuff, but at least it's here.

it's hard to find a 2 liter bottle of soda here. everything is 3 liters. no foolin. 3 liters! who in the world can drink that much soda that fast. texans i guess.

there are SUVS everywhere. SUVS and huge trucks. they laugh at my truck i think. not me. i love it. with it's cassette deck, old fashioned radio w/ only 5 presets--the kind that you have to pull out--- and 2 of those 5 are for AM. the truck also has no clock. that is taking me some getting used to.

I just discovered a Dollar General here in town. I'm quite excited about that. You might scoff, but when there's no Target or Walmart to get anything, it's nice to have the Dollar General for some cheap options. Besides that, you have to buy everything else either at the grocery store or the hardware store.

squirrels here have reddish/brown hues to them. hardly see any gray squirrels running around.

today was an exciting day. we discovered a different route to walk to and from town. at the thrift store i also got a giant storage container for my cds for 50 cents, and 50+ feet of phone line to HOPEFULLY get the internet hooked up at home. cost of phone line: 50 cents. (at the hardware store it was $12)

mary and i go for a screening tomorrow for another research study. hopefully 1 of us gets in. we need some $$!

today saw the infamous black fawn that we had heard about. the new walking route that we discovered took us right past 4 deer. "look, deer" i pointed out. the deer just stood there and looked at us as if to say "look, humans".

i took Gus over to see the cows today. he wasn't as excited as last time.
Gus got to walk lots today since the weather was so nice. he got tired. i had to carry him a couple times.

more tomorrow...

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