Ray Wylie Hubbard, Hill's Cafe, Sept 28 

Ray Wylie Hubbard, Hill's Cafe, Sept 28

The final show of the Hills/Kvet TX music series was TX legend Ray Wylie Hubbard. I've seen RWH several times, and he's always entertaining. so even though i was mighty tired that night, i decided to venture out and see his show. (good thing... i can't believe i actually went a whole week w/o seeing a show! is that right? seems like it. hmm...)

My old buddy Bill once described RWH as "an old coot". that description is appropriate. RWH has lived a bit of a wild life, and makes references to it in some of his stories and songs. and he puts on a rockin show. RWH is a bit more TX blues than some of his songwriter counterparts, but definitely can write a good song.

i've seen him once acoustic, and and once rockin. wednesday was rockin. the band sounded good and raucous. they played a couple new songs, which i enjoyed, and some old standards, and some in between. at one point a kid got up on stage. oh crap. i sort of hate it when performers let kids come up and sing a song. granted, it's sometimes cute, and the cheesewhiz nature of it is sometimes endearing, but i won't admit. so i hate it. but this kid didn't get up there to sing. he was there to play. he strapped on a guitar, and shredded on it. 2 or 3 songs. just shredded. the crowd loved it. i loved it. he gave RWH a knuckle bump and headed off stage.

RWH then thanked the middle school coach for ending practice early and letting him come out to play. turns out the guitar prodigy is his 12 year old son Luther. luther can play. very very cool.

RWH ended the night w/ his signature story and song "up against the wall redneck mother". i always love hearing the story and song. it's a fun sing along.

it's also fun b/c i love to see and hear songs like that that someone else made famous. i've seen jerry jeff walker, who made the song famous, sing it numerous times, and it's cool to see RWH do his version, since he wrote it.

i also got to hear Ray sing the song he wrote with Hayes Carll "Chickens". i just saw Hayes sing that 2 weeks ago. synchronicity is cool.

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