19 Deers 

19 Deers

yikes. remember when i said nature was scary? even pretty things are scary sometimes. lots of people had warned me about all the deer on the side of the road late at night.
apparently 11.45pm on a monday night is when they love it the best.
last night comin back from austin i passed a minimum of 19 deer. 19!
and they weren't all in one group.
it was more like 7 or 8 groups.
1 ran out in front me.
i was a tad tense when i got home.

i had a fun evening.
went to Waterloo Records and saw a free instore performance by one of my favorite singers Billy Joe Shaver AND there was free beer. free beer! what in the world? austin rocks.
then i got some food-- a burger--mmm--haven't had a burger in ages.
then i saw another free show.


and mary found us perhaps some little side work.
hopefully we'll get a little cash in our pockets.

saw Million Dollar Baby the other day. i've always been a huge clint eastwood fan, but i never got around to seeing it. didn't think it looked good. my apologies clint. i loved it. i see what all the hype was about.

it's one of the few decent movies i've seen for free from the library. things are free, so i check them out. movies i've heard of, but never got around to seeing. i realize why i never got around to watching them. i don't like them. most aren't good. most don't make it to the end before i turn it off.

oh well. they're free.

yesterday we saw a plethora of fish on our walk. there were 2 really big fish in the water and then 16 little catfish all hanging out together. it was kind of bizarre. i don't know what they were doing, but all the little catfish just stayed in one spot for about 10 minutes.

then i left

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