Rants and Raves 

Rants and Raves

i've been meaning to post something to this effect for days now.
the idiot sitting beside me here at the library reminded me of this.

don't you hate it when people at the library are on the computer and either:
a. read their email out loud
b. react to their email out loud wth words such as "oh no!", or "no way!", or similar phrases
c. keep chuckling incessantly
d. react way to loudly to at least 10 different things.

the guy next to me today would not shut up. "i can't believe that". "NO NO NO!". "Ohhhhhh......", and on and on and on.

it seriously almost made me get up and leave.
what's wrong with these people?

i felt bad that maybe something bad had happened and he just found out.
his girlfriend came over though, and he said "i got killed in fantasy football this week".

No No No!!!

what an idiot..

i also hate it when people are loud in the library. when did they change the rules that you don't have to be quiet in a library? when i was a kid, i definitely remember the library being a place where you had to whisper. apparently that in the last 20 years. last week 2 ladies were sitting in the back of the library discussing the one's extensive personal problems. and the she had many. and they were loud, and anyone in the library could hear it. it was a giant self help session full of all kinds of cliched garbage advice.

i almost threw up for the second time in TX.

The channel formerly known as the Austin Music Network is now available on my basic cable package as of last monday. life is suddenly better. i love it.

I discovered the AMN on my first ever trip to Austin. it was great. it was basically a public access version of MTV, w/ the great majority of videos being from TX artists. it was the best channel ever. but then i heard that they lost all their funding. and it didn't appear to be available on the wimberley cable package anyway.

but then the other week, at brad's house (in austin) i discovered the new version of it. and it was still cool. and it made me sad that i didn't have it. i honestly wanted to sit at brad's house all day and watch it.

that was on sunday.
monday morning i woke up and went to the library. when i came home, i was flipping channels, and saw a music video. it was on. the new Austin Music and Entertainment Television channel is now broadcasting on my channel 15. life is grand.

unfortunately it looks like they only have about 5 hours of original programming per day, and then they just repeat after that. most people probably wouldn't notice it. i stay home alot.

on wednesday i saw the same 3 videos in a row 3 times. i should get out more.

but i love the channel. i see videos from Ray Wylie Hubbard, Billy Joe Shaver, Bob Schneider, the Traveling Wilburys, Mary Gauthier, The True Believers, Joe Ely, and many many more.

it makes me happy.

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