Back on the swing--the upswing, that is 

Back on the swing--the upswing, that is

My emotions are wacky.
You would think i was the one doing some hormone type study.
But i'm not.
Just having crzy mood swings.

So, this morning, i was kinda bummed about a job in the music biz.
then, just now, before i got back to the library, i ran into the music manager i've been interning w/.
seems like there's a decent chance he might sign this young band, and let me manage them.
holy crap.
that'd be great.
and a super experience.
and i'm friends with the band, which supposedly could be dangerous.

i like to live dangerously.
(just kidding. everyone knows i'm a wuss).

but i think it'd be ok.
and fun.
so maybe it'll happen.
we'll talk more about it next week.
keep your fingers crossed.

and i found a research study to try to get into.
much better than marys--marys that lasted 17 straight days. holy crap. i'd go insane.
no, the one i'm trying to get into is a monday to friday, and then 18 days off, and then a monday to friday, and then 10 days off, and then repeat that sequence.
so a total of 4 monday to fridays, spread over 2.5 months.
not bad, not bad.
and it's to study some sleep disorder medication.
sounds super.
i want in.
and the best part? it pays $5000.
holy crap.

if i got that i'd be so set.
i wouldn't have to do any more work my whole time in TX probably.
that would rock.

keep your fingers crossed for that too.
so i go in for a screening on friday at 7am to see if i pass the test.
i hope i do.
that'd be awesome.

so i forgot to write about the other day.
not sure what day it was.
sunday maybe.
probably sunday. maybe saturday.
i was just sitting on the couch, watching tv with the Gus.
all of a sudden i heard the cows making a huge commotion.
(there are cows in a field back behind the cabin. usually they just sit there. sometimes they make noises)
today they were particularly loud.
but i didn't pay it much attention.
sometimes they do get a little loud.
but then, 5 minutes later, there was a major commotion.
i heard people yelling, and engines running, and cow's mooing and just a general, overall commotion.
it sounded like a stampede.

i managed to get my lazy ass off of the couch just in time to look out the back door and see the 2 cow go racing through my back yard, being chased by 2 mexicans on a golf cart with a stick going as fast as they could.

it was awesome.

my backyard is not big.
only a couple feet wide.
probably just wide enough for 2 cows and a golf cart to go screaming by.

MK's back yard is more narrow than mine.
i thought for sure the cows would get stuck in his back yard, but they didn't.

so later, i saw RM, who had been one of the Mexicans on the golf cart.
i told him "holy crap man, yesterday i was just sittin on my couch, and then i heard a commotion, and i looked up and all of a sudden i saw 2 cows and a golf cart go racing through my back yard".

"oh yeah..that was me" said RM.

i knew that.

i talked to MK about the cows yesterday.
i talk to MK daily as The Gus has decided that every time we walk by MK's cabin, he has to go run inside it if the door is open.
according the MK, the cows are not stupid.
i had always guessed they were stupid.
apparently, they work as a team.
according to MK, the longhorn bends over and uses his horns and lifts up the fence, and the other cow goes under.
now, i'm not sure how the longhorn then gets out himself.
MK didn't exactly say, and i didn't want to seem to interested in the cows.
but somehow the longhorn gets out too.

and then they traipse around and leave giant cow patties everywhere.
that's gross.

stupid cows.

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