Worst decision ever 

Worst decision ever

Holy crap.
since mary was heading to austin last night, it seemed to make sense to get up to the library and kill some time and then walk home.
it's not that far really.
but i didn't plan things very well.
i totally forgot about that whole daylight savings time switch that just happened.

you see-- the village of wimberley doesn't have street lights.
or sidewalkss.

so when i left the library it was pitch black. total darkness.
i almost had a breakdown.
i had no idea what to do.
i thought i might just sit down and cry.

i didn't really have any options.
i had no one to call. i know a couple people in town, but not their phone numbers. and i can't call diretory assistance because i only know their first names.
there was nothing i could do.
i had to just suck it up and walk home.
in the pitch black.
down the side of the road. hoping to goodness that no cars hit me.

it was terrifying.
in case you've never been walking on the side of the road, in the total darkness, let me assure you: it's not fun.
at one point, when there were no car lights, i took off running down the middle of the road. i fgured the quicker i got it over with the better.
i just wanted to get home.

but that was only a short stretch of road. the rest had constant cars.
there's one stretch of road where there's no shoulder either. during the day it doesn't matter--we just trek thru the grass. you can't really see the holes in the land at night though. pure suckitude.

as i reached the entrance to our property---finally---some 15 long life threatening minutes later i breathed a sigh of relief.
but the relief was only temporary.
the entrance to our property is about 1/4 mile from our actual cabin, and it's just a dirt road. and unbelievably it's even darker there. and there's a whole new fear factore.
i was no longer scared of being hit by a car. there weren't any cars on going to appear here. deer. that's what i was scared of now. and that was more scary than the cars.
now, it would suck to hit a deer at night while you were driving. no doubt about it.
i have joked several times since i moved here that it would totally suck to hit (or be hit) by a deer while walking.
it's not really funny though when you're suddenly in a situation where that really might happen.

mercy. i thought it was dark out on the real street. on this long dirt road i honestly couldn't see even an inch in front of me. it was pitch black. as pitch black as it could be.
and every couple of steps i'd hear animals scampering off beside me. RIGHT beside me. not way off in the distance, running right past my head. i was positive that at any second a deer was just going to bolt out darkness and knock me unconscious.
i don't have insurance.

i quickly devised a plan. a ;lan to avoid being hit by the deer. there are those deer whistles that you can mount onto your automobiles. i've never heard of safety skills for your own self. so i came up with my own. here's what i did: every couple of steps i would shuffle my feet in the gravel and clap my hands loudly. twice. and sometimes i'd whistle or let out shrieks. it sounds silly, but it worked. 8 times out of 10 that i did it, i heard deers running off. running offAWAY from me.
not towards me.
away is much better than towards..
80% of the time it worked, and 100% of the time i looked like an idiot. i prayed that no cars would enter the property or try to exit the property. i would have been too embarrassed to have been caught out walking without a flashlight.

i'm such a dummy.

i survived though.
and i didn't step in too many puddles or holes.
my heart was racing at about 1000 beats per minute as i made it to the cabin.
but i survived.
and then i watched TV.
TV is safer.

we had a preparty the night before the halloween party. we were sitting at MK's and then all of us decided to go over to RM's. 4 of us total. we packed onto RM's golf cart. Mary held the Gus on her lap. MK and i held onto the stood on the bumper of the golf cart and held on for dear life as RM raced thru the night. i swear... he was going A LOT faster this time. i was sure we were going to flip. my fingers hurt from holding on so tight.

i fear that the Mexican is trying to kill me.
he's totally in love w/ Mary.
i think he's trying to get me out of the picture.
at RM's house he presented her w/ a new Spanish style skirt. he bought it for her. and a cool belt to go with it.

we ate some food. we drank some wine. everybody was havin a good time, except you...

we ate a lot, and drank a lot. good times. we had a preparty feast of sausages and nachos and celery w/ peanut butter.

then we got on the golf cart and headed home.

the dog Deuce leads the way thru the night.
it's so funny. all you see is the Deuces feet kicking up in the air. so fast. he runs so fast.
he's hilarious.

have i mentioned that the Deuce isn't even RM's dog?
it's funny. it's the landlord's. but the dog stays with RM, and rides around w/ RM, and protects RM's house. don't know what's going to happen if RM ever leaves.

so i was going to post a quick rant about MK but now i feel bad cuz he gave me a leather jacket.
just gave it to me.
i can still rant though. we'll blame it on the weed.

MK is obsessed w/ junk.
he periodically stops by to tell us to come check out the "treasures" he's found.
sometimes they're decent.
most times i don't care.
sometimes they're down right stupid.
but he's fascinated.

yesterday he told us that we HAD to come over and see what he'd found.
so we did.
and there on the table was a spinning discoball and lit beer sign.
actually one of the better "finds" he has shown us, but not necessarily worth me getting up off the couch to come over and see.

cool. so we tried to leave.
he wanted to show us all the stuff on the back of the truck.
he pulled out some ratty tricycle.
"isn't is amazing?" he said. "isn't it amazing?". he likes to say that. especially when he's high.

and then he pulled out a plastic drawer that had been in a fridge.
you know the ones--the crisper type drawers.
it said "fruits and vegetables" on it.

"look at this!" he said. "isn't it amazing? fruits and vegetables. isn't it amazing?"

that's nothing close to amazing.
it's a stupid drawer out of any refrigerator.
farthest from amazing that i imagine an antique dealer could find actually.

isn't it amazing?
holy crap.
no it's not.
that's just plain stupid.

but then he gave me a leather jacket.
it's still stupid though.

don't do drugs

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