Cheeseburger in Paradise 

Cheeseburger in Paradise

There is a place in town called "The Burger Barn", and their sign says they've been serving Wimberley for 38 years. That's a long time.

And it's right next to the entrance to our property.
And i love burger.
and i'd never been.

so the other day mary and i were both craving burgers so we decided we'd go check it out.

it sucked.
terrible terrible terrible.
it's bad when your place is called the burger barn and your burgers suck.

i guess when there's not many other eating options in town, you can stay in business even if your food and service are mediocre.

it was quite disappointing. i would have rather had any other food than the food i had there.

last night i went to the local Pizza Hut. that was quite exciting. i saw 3 of the kids from one of the classes i subbed in. they were all in their football practice gear. what is it w/ TX and football? it's sort of bizarro.

the pizza hut didn't have beer, which was strange, b/c that's the one thing that always distinguished pizza hut from other pizzerias. at least in my head. but what's wacky is that you can apparently bring your own beer with you. TX is crzy like that.

so i subbed again yesterday.
we got to watch videos.
that was much better.
the first class of the day was rowdy anyway though. and they were grossed out by the documentary which showed skeletons and talked about beheadings and stuff.
so i had to trick all the other classes.
and that worked much much better.
i'm smarter than the kids.

all subsequent classes that came in said "are we watching a movie?" and i'd say "maybe. we have to vote". and they'd ask what their other choice was, and i'd say a quiz. and they'd get all worked up, and every student that came thru the door, they'd say--- "hey, vote for movie. hey, vote for movie". so they did. and i started out the day by showing them a shorter, more kid oriented video. i said if they were good, we could maybe watch the other video, but that other classes had said the video was too scary. mercy. i would have never imagined that the kids could be so quiet.
but they were.
it's good to trick them.

mary and i hit up the dollar theater nearby for the first time this week. twice.
on sunday night we went to see Wedding Crashers. i'd been wanting to see it for quite a while.
many people had said it was the funniest movie ever.
many people lied.
i laughed a couple times, but overall i thought it sucked.

and there were so many implausibilities.
i know it doesn't really matter for a movie like that,
but it's kind of annoying.

when owen was all depressed, and vince came to see
him, and they hadn't seen each other in ages....
well... didn't they work together? oops.

and at the beginning vince clearly didn't like the
psycho. and then all of a sudden, he loves her?

and when the fiancee called his bud to check out owen
and vince---why? at that point in time he had
absolutely no reason. just plain stupid. and
there's no way the bud could have found info on them.

and...and i analyzed it too much.
but it was just plain simple continuity/story errors.
made me mad.

my friend liza says my problem is that i don't use my brain enough anymore, so it goes into overdrive analyzing things like wedding crashers.

the other movie we saw was March of the Penguins.
we saw that on tuesday.
tuesday at the theater all shows are 50 cents.
that's a good deal.
so we went.
March of the Penguins was pretty good.
i had no idea penguins lived such hard lives.

i wouldn't want to be a penguin.

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