The word for today is Job. J-O-B, job. 

The word for today is Job. J-O-B, job.

i don't write much about working in TX.
guess that's because i don't work much in TX.
and that means life is grand.

but of course, no work means no money.
so mary and i are trying to make a little money.
and so far it's been pretty fun.

one of my goals of moving out to TX was to get a job in the music business.
it's slowly coming along.
it looks like i might, finally, this week become co-manager of a band in town.
that would be most excellent.
it wouldn't pay very much, but it would pay.
and every little bit helps, and the experience would be great to have.

i also decided that i wanted to learn how to run the soundboard at music clubs.
it seemed like a fun enough job.
and, unlike being a bartender in a club, as the sound guy, you'd actually get to listen to the music while working.
you'd be getting paid to listen to music.
sounds good to me.
so i went to a pretty cool club very close by, and got drunk enough one evening to ask the owner if i could come learn sound.
surprisingly he was very receptive to the idea.
he told me there was one guy that worked there, and he was the guy i needed to talk to, and that he would help me out.
but he couldn't tell me when this guy would be working next.
but he said i could come observe any time this guy was working and that he'd show me the ropes.

well, a week or so later this guy was there.
he told me to come on out one night.
so i did.
and it was terrible.

so so terrible.
i hated it.
the guy i was supposed to learn from is the biggest
electronics expert nerd/ name droppin guy ever.
he didn't teach me anything.
just talked about himself.
and all the famous people he knew.
he was stupid.
it was clear i wasn't going to learn anything.
and i'd been fighting off a cold.
so i left.
just walked out.
didnt' tell anyone goodbye.
i just left.
i don't imagine anyone cared.

pretty stupid, but oh well.
it was mighty clear it wasn't going to go anywhere.

dreams fade and hopes die hard.

maybe somewhere else i can learn it.
but then again maybe not.
seems like it might be some weird electronic audiophile subculture that does sound.
i want no part of that.


so instead i work at an antique store.
and the antique store is awesome, but only employs us occasionally.
but it rocks.

the store doesn't lock.
you just go in and open up the garage door and turn on the lights and turn on the 'open' sign and you're in business.
and then you sit there for 3.5 hours waiting for someone to come in.
sometimes a couple people come in.
sometimes no one comes in.
on 1 shift i had 1 person come in.
on another shift i had zero persons come in.
tough job.

i sit there and read a book.
or watch a movie on the portable dvd player.

mary works on stained glass projects and reads and watches movies.

the other day we had a little picnic in the store when we 'changed shifts' at 1pm.
i brought a lunch out for mary and i.
she wanted beer w/ her lunch.
so i brought her 1. and 1 for me.
we ate lunch in the store.
we drank our beer with lunch.
i was getting paid to drink beer.
best job ever.
it's so funny working there.
occasionally people come.
sometimes they ask questions.
i never know the answers.
the owner requested that we ask people if they're looking for anything in particular.
so i usually do.
and they usually say no.
because when they do say yes, i often have no idea what the item is that they're looking for, or if indeed we have an item like that.
but people don't usually come in.
and i just sit. and it's nice.

but now it's over.
at least for the time being.
the owner got back from his hunting trip and no longer needs us.

so yesterday we were riding around on the Devil's Backbone and passed by the Devil's Backbone Tavern. my buddy Tim is here visiting, and he's always wanted to go the Devil's Backbone Tavern since hearing it in the Todd Snider song. so when we passed it, and i pointed it out, he slapped on the brakes, and whipped it into the parking lot.

he wanted to go in.
i'm always up for going in to the Devil's Backbone Tavern.
so we went in.

"we can't serve you beer for 5 minutes" the bartender said.
it was only 11.55.
that's early for beer.
on sundays TX says you can't have beer until 12.
well, i guess you can have it if you already have some, but you can't buy it in a store or bar until noon.

so we waited.
she only made us wait 3 minutes.
nice lady.

AND, outside, on the 'billboard' was a help wanted sign.
so i asked her if they were really hiring or if it was an old sign.
she said that yup, they were hiring.
just for a couple shifts a week.
sounded perfect to me.
i asked her if they hired guys, or only gals.
she said they hired both.
so she gave me an application.
i filled it out.
easiest application ever. 1 page. not even front and back. it basically asked your name and address and stuff. and your last job. and if you have bar experience. that's it.

if i get that job it will be so awesome.
all they serve is beer there.
just beer.
and nothing on tap.
all cans or bottles.
and no food except chips.
cans, bottles, and chips.

i think i can handle that.

and can you imagine the stories that i'll have to tell?
that'd be the best ever i think.

mary applied too.

hopefully at least of us gets it.
hopefully it's me.
or both of us.

i'm a hard worker.

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