My hispanic family and more exciting stories 

My hispanic family and more exciting stories

Mary and I spent the weekend after thanksgiving recovering. We slept in, and just hung out and ate lots. We got adopted by a Hispanic family, and that was pretty excellent. RM’s family was in town for thanksgiving, and they invited us over and fed us and told us stories and let us ride in their canoe. They are the nicest folks. He had already met RM’s uncle, named RM, but we hadn’t met his cousin, named RM, or his cousins son RM Jr. all of them have the same name. Haha. RM the cousin thought maybe Mary and I were on the run and hiding out in Wimberley. He’s actually not the first person that has said that to us. Guess there’s some air or mystery about us or something. When we said we were not on the run, he asked if we were military. HA! Umm…no. we are not military. Far far from it.

RM the elder---RM’s uncle is very cool. His wife is super nice. Their daughter is super nice. We had a really good time hanging out with them, and I was pretty sad to see them leave on Sunday.

That’s one of the really cool things about living out here. If we lived anywhere else at all, I’m pretty sure things like that wouldn’t happen. I’ve never really known my neighbors. Now, I know the neighbors and I know their families. And their families adopt us. It rocks.

Sunday Mary and I went to a nature park called Pedernales Falls. It was awesome. We had to buy a year pass to TX nature parks, so we’ll probably go explore some more. This one was really beautiful. We took some pictures. AND we saw an armadillo. A real one. A live one. Walking around the rocks. People told me I’d never see a live armadillo. People lied. I was so fascinated by it. We watched it for about half an hour. Mary touched it. She told me to touch it. I was scared. Mary said they’re harmless little creatures. I thought it might bite me. Mary said it wouldn’t. I was scared. I tried several times, but chickened out. After 4 or 5 unsuccessful attempts I finally summoned up enough courage to touch it—quickly. It scared me.

We showed some other people the armadillo. A lady there said armadillos are mean and will chase you.

I don’t really remember anything noteworthy happening on Monday. On Tuesday. night we went to the 50cent movie night, and hit up the Allnighter diner beforehand. We had a grand time at the Diner. We had some shots and some beer and a well drink and some half price apps. Mmmm….half price apps and cheap drinks for happy hour. I ate fried green tomatoes and chicken strips. I forgot that both of those involve ranch. It was too much ranch. Before TX there was never such a thing as too much ranch. Now, twice in 2 weeks I’ve had too much ranch. Maybe it’s my arteries crying out. I don’t know. I don’t want ranch again anytime soon though. We spent way more money at the cheap happy hour than I intended too. Then we went to see a movie. We decided to see Flight Plan. I don’t really like scary movies, but that one looked more suspenseful than outright scary. It was neither. Just plain stupid. What an awful movie. Totally preposterous and totally dumb. I wish we had walked out of this one. I don’t know what made Jodie Foster decide to do that movie. She usually makes good ones. Not this time. Awful. If you’ve been thinking about seeing this one, do not do it. Seriously. It’s ridiculous. At the end of it I laughed. Pretty sure that’s not what the director was going for, but I laughed. Another waste of 2 hours. We’re not having much luck with 50 cent movies.

Wednesday thru Friday we were called in to work at the antique store again. I was psyched about that. I love that job. Even if it doesn’t pay much. And last time, in 1 week, we didn’t come anywhere close to selling enough stuff to get the bonus. You have to sell $500 worth of stuff. We only sold about $160 the whole week. This week was different. The first day we sold over $600 of stuff. Cha-ching! $50 bonus. Rock!
Then I started thinking we could maybe sell $1000 total, and get another $50 bonus. And then we sold zero items on Thursday. Oh well. A $50 bonus was more than I could hope for. But then on Friday we ended up selling about $500 worth of stuff. More bonus. I love it. I love this job.

I also interned a bit this week w/ the music manager and took some more steps towards actually signing a contract to manage a band. That would rock. We’ll see what happens.

Also at some point this week Mary and I started really having disagreements about TX. I love it. She hates it. It’s not the best situation. Hopefully it will work out.

One night this past week we invited RM and MK over for dinner. It was a totally bizarre experience. RM came in decked out like it was 1978 and he was on his way to a disco. He was dressed all in black, and his hair was slicked back and his black shirt was unbuttoned all the way down to his navel. Seriously. He is going to kill me soon. I just know it. It was hilarious. I couldn’t quit staring at his shirt. It was totally ridiculous. And MK and RM told stories that I totally didn’t understand but sounded rather exciting. MK needs to go to Mexico for the trial of one of his friends. It’s apparently some political scandal or something. And RM is talking about going out with him to help him out. And MK says the only thing he knows is that he’s not taking any guns with him, b/c they’d blow him up if he did. And that makes me wonder if he usually carries guns when he travels. I don’t know what’s happening. RM says he is taking guns. He’s going to do like in the old days, and have guns and roses. I want to laugh when he says ‘guns and roses’, but I don’t for fear he’ll kill me. RM rants about some conspiracy and he says he knows whats up. He and MK talk about it. For at least part of their conversation I’m pretty sure that they are talking about 2 totally different things. Then MK talks about how his dad was a pretty important judge or something, and this is somehow tied to what’s going on in Mexico, and there was once some guy who talked to MK about his dad, and MK’s dad said he never knew what was up with that guy. I don’t know what’s going on. Apparently, this somehow meant that something bad was happening. I don’t know. More and more I’m just confused by MK’s and RM’s stories. I don’t know if I’m losing my attention span, or if they’re losing theirs, but their stories rarely make sense anymore. And that’s too bad. Because I’m sure they’re exciting.

And that’s about it.
I went to a concert on Friday and a concert on Saturday. Both were really fun. I drank too much on Friday since I had a ride home. It was a pretty crzy night. I didn’t drink anything on Saturday. Saturday for lunch we finally met up w/ my college friends that live out here. That was a lot of fun. I used to come visit them at least twice a year. And now that I live out here, we hadn’t seen them yet. But now we have, and hopefully we’ll see more of them.

I think I have to sub one day this week. And I have lots of concerts I want to see. And I should see if I can find any Christmas presents for anyone. And then we’re heading home for the holidays. I can’t wait to do a Cville happy hour when I get home. I might have to do 10.

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