In case you missed it (Movie Reviews) 

In case you missed it (Movie Reviews)

In case you missed it, i decided to put all my movie reviews so far right here. I feel like i'm doing my duty to warn people of the terrible ones so that they're not as frustrated as me. Also since many people wanted i went back and edited and added details to one of my earlier TX adventures--walking home in the dark. it's a better read now. check it out here:

And here's the movie reviews:

Lord of War: i'd never heard of it. but it was showing on the big screen for 50 cents and had Nicolas Cage and Ethan Hawke. figured i'd take a chance. worthless. the entire movie could have been summed up in a 2 minute Public Service Announcement. instead that's 2 hours of my life i'll never get back.

Flight Plan: i don't like scary movies, but figured i was up for a suspenseful one. it was only 50 cents too, and i figured i liked Jodie Foster and that Sarsgagarxsdaddgadd fellow. jodie usually makes quality flicks. holy crap. i don't know what happened here. just awful. not scary. not suspenseful. not good. preposterous. i actually laughed at the end of it.

Just Like Heaven: Holy crap. what a terrible mistake. in my defense, we had gone to see 40 year old Virgin, but the sound was messed up. and even though it was only 50 cents, i couldn't hear a word, so they let us go see another movie. our choices were Into the Blue which i knew would suck, or Just Like Heaven. I like Mark Ruffalo, and i used to have a crush on Reese before she became a mommy, and i was really drunk, so i said we could go see this movie. Once again, i had no idea what it was about. And mercy, it was awful. thank goodness i had drank quite a bit of vodka before the movie, because i passed out for about 50 minutes of the movie. i was really angry when i woke up and the movie was still on. i tried to persuade the lady friend to leave, but she wanted to see the ending. guess what? the ending was terrible. it was all terrible. really really bad.

War of the Worlds: someone i know said it was good. someone i know lied.

Forty Year Old Virgin: i did finally manage to see this movie. i laughed so hard it hurt. seriously. like all of these kinds of movies, there were parts that were slow and stupid, but it also had some of the funniest scenes i've scene in a long time. i loved it.

Wedding Crashers: not nearly as funny as it should have been. once again, people lied to me.

March of the Penguins: really interesting. pretty good. i started to lose focus by the end though.

Pieces of April: it was a free dvd from the library. Ebert and whoever gave it 2 thumbs up. i'm not sure why.
i didn't hate it. but i didn't love it either. it had a very independent feel. but that didn't make it good. i did manage to watch the whole thing, which i guess is an accomplishment. even if i was "working" at the time.

The Life and Death of Peter Sellers: I thought i heard some good stuff about it. It was free. It was sort of interesting. I was into it at first. And then I got bored. But i finished it. It took a long time, but i did finish it. That's an accomplishment these days.

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