Our new home on wheels 

Our new home on wheels

Here it is. Pictures of the Beastess.
Let me take you on a photographic journey.

This first one is the self explanatory.
the beastess

Here's the full view. Pretty cool eh?
outside view of beast and room

When you walk in through the front door here's the view. This is the added on room. It's really like a little house.

sun room

If you enter and turn around, this is the door you just came in.


And here's a third view of what things look like from the extra room.

If you go ahead through the little doorway there you enter the actual RV. And here's the RV living room/combination dining room.

rv living room

If you turn back around, you can catch a slight view of the kitchen dinette table, and also the view of the door you just came through from the sunroom.

dining looking out

If you turn another 45 degrees, here's the view down the RV hallway.

rv longshot inside

Here's the kitchen

And there's a bedroom, and some closets, and a teeny bathroom and a teeny shower. The bedroom is small, but pretty cool. None of the pictures really captured that. So let's go back outside, since we have a nice little yard.


This is the back door. Yup, and RV with a back door. I'm telling you. It's like a little house.

back door

We have a shed/work room. it's pretty awesome. there's shelves, and a rod to hang clothes on, and a big work area. it'll be awesome.


And that's it.
It rocks huh?
Well, i think it does at least.
We're not quite sure when we'll move yet.
Sometime between now and May.
Hopefully soon. I can't wait.
Let the adventure begin!

trixi and willie

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Comment the engine is huge. i'll have to check to see if it has a hemi. the bar where i work has a sign that says "no loaded firearms allowed". that makes me feel confident. TX is redneck heaven.

Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:56 pm MST by CH

Comment Hey, that thing got a Hemi?! (Not many homeowners could actually go check to get an answer to that question.) Although you are in Texas now, if you start talking about the importance of having multiple firearms on your person at all times, I am going to start having some concerns. Have fun!

Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:42 am MST by JB

Comment Man that looks like redneck heaven if I have ever seen it. You guys are living a honky tonk dream. Some hillbilly is having a wet dream of pictures like these in his head. Enjoy it, cause Trixie and Willie probably are wondering where their home sweet home is right this minute. Can you say "Living the Viva Winebago?"

Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:40 am MST by Robert Miller

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