quick hits 

quick hits

-the other night i jokingly asked mary if she was just using me for the money since i had to front most of the loot for the RV.
she said if she wanted a real sugar daddy, she'd go after someone who didn't live in an RV.

-i don't know if i ever mentioned this or not but for the first 3 months in TX i was obsessed with Sex and the City. i feel a little guilty about it, but whatever. only 2 things really bother me though: 1--that the one red headed friend is so unattractive. but i'm over that. the other is the stupid stuff carrie types on her computer at the end of each episode. i hate it 99% of the time. they totally stole from Doogie Howser, but Carrie's summations are nowhere near as good as Doogie's. Doogie was great.

-i'm over sex and the city now though. now i'm hooked on 24. i can only be hooked on 1 thing at once i think. 24 is intense

-have you seen those Geico ads with the cavemen? is it just me or does the one caveman look like he's trying to be Val Kilmer? watch it again when it comes on if you've never noticed. or then again, maybe you shouldn't. i can't even wach the commercial anymore because the resemblance disturbs me too much.

-holy crap. i got a new memory foam pillow. it is AWESOME. mary has had one for some time, but will never let me use it. a kind soul donated it to us and it was like new. i didn't know if i'd like it. but when we came back from VA the first night that i went to bed i had left my real pillow out in the car. the memory foam one was there so i used that as temporary thing. i still haven't gotten my real pillow out of the car. the tempurpedic memory foam pillow rules.

-all of my undershirts have shrunk. i have this one brand that i really like, and i never dry them. i think they got dried when i was home in VA and now they're all too small. NO, it's not just that i'm working on my beer guts. the shirts actually shrank. i found one that i left in TX when we went home for the holidays, and it still fit fine. now i need more undershirts. and i'm sad.

-we watched "Message in a Bottle" over the weekend. it looked like a sappy chick flick, but i'm a sucker for Kevin Costner movies, and i like Paul Newman too, and Robin Wright is pretty hot, so i figured it couldn't be that bad. i figured wrong. in the opening credits, when it said it was based on a book by Nicolas Sparks, i knew we were in trouble. some girl that i went out with at some time read those cheesy books he wrote. so i expected the worst. and i got it. holy crap. what a terrible terrible movie. why do they have to make chick flicks that are so bad? i've seen a couple that were at least watchable. i can't remember what they are at the moment, but there's some. Message in a Bottle? total crap. pure crap. just awful. so bad in so many ways. i'm mad at myself for watching it. i checked out that and ET from the library. i wish i would have just watched ET

the end

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Comment RV park. NOT a trailer park. there is a slight difference.

Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:31 am MST by CH

Comment An RV. I still can't believe that. Now I can say: "Yeah, I've got a couple of friends in Texas. One's my ex-boyfriend, the philosophy major. He's now a hippie and he teaches skydiving. My other friend is Chad. He lives in a trailer park and has a pug. ... Yeah, I did. I said trailer park... I have no idea." "she said if she wanted a real sugar daddy, she'd go after someone who didn't live in an RV." Possibly the best line. ever.

Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:30 pm MST by Meg

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