Time just keeps movin on 

Time just keeps movin on

Mercy. It seems like i never have time to blog anymore. I miss it a bit. If we ever get into our new home on wheels it will surely be easier with the free wireless internet that we'll have. that will be good.

i dont' know why we are, but we definitely feel busy, but it's a good busy.

i've been going in almost every morning for a couple hours doing the band management thing. it's going alright, but honestly, deep down, i'm a little discouraged that i'll never learn all the things i need to know and never make enough connections in the biz to be a full time manager on my own. that's my dream i think---to be a full time manager. keep managing the band that i'm managing now, add another young group, and then pick up a couple cool TX musicians who need management. that's what i'd love. but i get discouraged it will never happen.

but whatever. it's been great so far. i'm learning a lot and making a little money. life is grand.

mary has been working about twice a week at the bar. i haven't worked since my second sunday night shift that i still need to write about. i'll do that soon. i usually go up and hang out w/ mary while she's working. we play shuffleboard. it's awesome. but we also have to listen to lots of ignorant Texans. guess that's the problem with working at an old TX dive. there's lots of character, but lots of the characters are ignorant and racist. i've heard the 'n' word way more times than i'd like to. mostly by the owner, who we've decided is definitely a jackass, but also by other people--even people we like. such a shame.

it's fun to have a job where you can drink and play shuffleboard though.

MK closed his store and is opening a new one across the street from his old one. it should be cool. mary has been helping him with that, and i've stopped by a couple times. i can't hang out there too long though because he's totally inefficient. the one day i showed up, i showed up at about noon, and he had to have everything out of his old building by midnight. so we loaded up a load of stuff, and while unloading it, MK disappeared. mary and i talked to some cool hippies that lived above the store (and only have to pay rent of $300!), and one of friends drove by and stopped to talk to us, and then MK showed up 90 minutes later. he had gone shopping for stuff for his new store--not exactly the best use of time when the other store had to be totally cleaned by the end of the day. whatever. it's the Wimberley way. but i've got better things to do to waste my time.

seems like last week we were in Austin quite a bit.
thursday we went down for the First Thursdays. beforehand we hung out w/ the current owners of our new home. that was fun. they offered to take the Beastess out on the road with us for our first road trip when we actually get to take possession of it. that'd be awesome.
first thursdays was totally disappointing. no free booze. first fridays in cville, which mary and i made a point to hit up every single month, was awesome. free booze and free snacks. and some art. that was awesome. first fridays--not so much. but it's only about 1.2 miles from our new home so i'm sure we'll go down sometimes once we live there. it's nowhere near as fun as the Cville version though. 1 point for cville.

after that we met up with some friends and went to see a free concert by Danny Schmidt at Cafe Mundi. that was really good, and i was glad my friends were totally into it (they bought all 3 of the cds he had for sale). Danny is from Cville, and is mary's favorite musician, fyi.

friday night we went to this Short Film extravaganza hosted by my high school friend that i'd run into earlier. it was pretty fun. some of the films were really good. some were really disturbing. it was a tad mind blowing though. my friends mom was there--from cville, so i talked to her, and there were 2 other kids there from cville that knew my sister. AND while there i got a text message from a friend of mine, who was at a concert, and totally randomly was talking to the guy next to him, who was ALSO from cville, and he knew me, and is good friends with the short film host.
life is wacky sometimes.

LOTS of cville experiences in one week.

saturday night mary had to work so i just relaxed for the first time in a long long time.
at first it stressed me out to have nothing to do.
but then i just sat back and enjoyed it.
we didnt' do much on sunday either, which wasn't as cool since it was superbowl sunday.

RM was supposed to be having a huge party but it got cancelled so we had nothing to do.
i dont' much like football at all, but i love superbowl parties and was sad to not have one to go to.

the Backbone (the bar we work) was having a superbowl party. i usually work sundays, but didn't schedule myself that day b/c i thought we were going to RMs. then i was a little mad that i was missing out on some $$. but we went there for the party and it was dead as dead. i'm real glad i didn't work. the party there was lame, but we finally met the female owner of the bar--the nice one. unfortunately her husband was there too, and he's the one no one likes. i didn't really understand why until that night. totally a prick. totally obnoxious. BUT we got to eat some free chili dogs and some free brisket. it was alright, but we left at halftime.

free chili dogs are genius for bars to have.
hot dogs are super cheap and canned chili is super cheap, and they're so much fun.
i love free chili dogs.

monday i screened for a study.
i'm sure i won't get in since they have it out for me.
but maybe.
it'd be nice.
then i'd get a big chunk of money.
i need to get into one.
this is 5 times now i've gone w/ no luck.
you don't get paid for screenings and they just suck up all your blood.
and that's not cool.
and this time when they did an ECG they used big ole super sticky patches. it hurt pulling them off my arms and chest.
the ones on my legs? i just left them there.
i didn't know what to do, but i knew i couldn't pull them off there.
they stayed on overnight.
i couldn't deal with it.
the next day i used some rubbing alcohol and i finally got them off. it hurt.

since i had a screening, i couldn't drink on saturday or sunday. and i also didn't drink friday. and then i decided maybe i'd just continue to detox.
so it's now wednesday and i haven't had a drink since last thursday.

and you know what? i feel really good. really good. mary says that that's why you're supposed to NOT drink more days in a week than you're supposed to drink. makes sense i guess.

i think the beer was messing up my sleep b/c i've been having crzy vivid dreams this week. it's pretty cool.

i love beer though.
it's sad to neglect it.
but i think it's good to do it every once in a while.

it's not fun going to the backbone if you can't drink.
and that's the truth.

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