The ACC, the RV, SXSW, and me 

The ACC, the RV, SXSW, and me

so it's march madness time again.
and i dont' usually care too much.
but i do always watch the ACC tournament, even though UVA always loses.

this year though we dont' have real cable.
so i can't watch the whole tournament.
but i did manage to find a bar on friday night to watch UVA, and they actually won. it was pretty exciting.
and then yesterday i went to my neighbors to watch their second round game.
it was fun.
but it was weird.
he has a tv in his living room. it only gets half the channels.
if you need to watch a channel above 36, you have to watch the tv in the back.
the tv in the back is in the guest bedroom.
his ex father in law (who is the same age as him) now lives in the guest bedroom.
it is his tv.
but i want to watch the game so i watch it anyway.
and i drink a lot of beer.
and i pass out at 9.30, and wake up at 3am.

SXSW comes to town next week.
it's pretty exciting.
at first i was going to work the entire thing --12 days--and make $1000.
then i was going to work the entire thing and make $1600. $1600 was better, but busier.
then they wanted me to just work the music part (not film and interactive). that would only pay $500 or so.
and don't get me wrong, i can use $500.
but it all seems shady.
and like a pain in the ass.

AND, what they don't tell you if you don't live in TX is that you don't need to buy the $180 wristband for SXSW.
wristbands are for suckers.
there are HUNDREDS of free shows every day.
and all day, every day, are huge parties with free music and often free beer and food.
free beer and food and music sounds good to me.
so i told the guy i don't want to work.
seems like experiences like this is what i should be doing in Austin.
not selling tshirts from 9am until 9pm everyday.

so i was hoping i'd be living in the RV by now.
especially since it's right next to lots of SXSW activities.
but it looks like we won't be moving until may 1.
just as well i guess.
but i'm ready to be there.
we actually hung out w/ the current RV owners on friday night.
they had a cookout.
it was fun.

mary and i are trying to convince them to trade living quarters with us next weekend so we can be down there for SXSW.
i don't think they will.

i need to find some place down there.
i'm working on it.
otherwise i might not get to see mary and the gus for 4 days.
the list of free stuff from wed-saturday night is mind blowing.
i need to do lots of it.

we finally got internet at home.
it's fun.
even if it's dialup.
my whole entire life i've never had internet at home.
can you believe it?
30 years old and i've never had internet at home.
now i do.
and you'd think i would blog more or email more.
i do more work now.
and goof off more.

and i miss the library a bit.
that was a such a part of daily routine.
it's nice to not have to go there though.
but it is a lot faster.
occasionally i still have to go there if i need to have several windows open at once. that makes dialup real slow.

yesterday i was in the library typing away on my computer, and i got up to take a phone call and there were 2 llamas at the checkout counter. no kidding. 2 llamas. it totally freaked me out. big time. i just stared at them. they were gigantic. almost as scary as that was the person w/ the llamas. i couldn't tell if it was a boy or a lesbian. the person had a silly mullet, with hair really really short on the top and sides. almost shaved. and almost albino. and 2 llamas. when i returned from the front porch phone conversation i was still very confused by the llamas.
"there's llamas in the library" i told the volunteer behind the counter.
"what?" she said.
"there's llamas in the library" i said.
"i know" she said.

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