6 Months 

6 Months

Well, March 12 wIas 6 months of me being in TX. 6 months. mercy. in some ways that seems like a long time, and in others it seems like just yesterday.

Here's the quick 6 month update:

I love TX.
We're moving to the RV May 1.
I got a killer job in the music biz.

The end.

That's the story in a brief nutshell.

As the GUS and i were taking a walk today i reflected a bit on it.
lots of things are different.
i still like it out here in wimberley, but am ready to move on.
all the things that i thought were novel and exciting when i first moved here, i'm now kinda tired of.

it's been a long time since we hung out w/ MK or RM.
the things that made them amusing at first, now just make them annoying.
its sort of sad.
guess i'm too big for wimberley now.
or something.

after 6 months i finally had almost run out of $$.
on monday of last week i decided that i needed to try to get a part time job.
and it made me sad, but i needed some $.

and then tuesday of last week i was offered a job being road manager for one of my favorite singers.
a killer job. a killer opportunity. and it pays pretty decent.

life is exciting.
thank goodness ididn't have to get a real job!
i had held out for so long, it would have been sad to give up on the dream.
now the dream lives on.

i'm really lookin fwd to livin in austin.
it should be awesome.
it'll be an adjustment living in a mobile environment.
but fun i think.
i'll miss the river.
and i feel bad for the gus that he can't just stroll around all over the place.
hopefully he'll like it alright.

i'll have to figure out how things will work w/ the other manager that i work with.
i go to his house 3 or 4 times a week to work on stuff.
that'll be a long drive.

it'll be a long drive for mary to get to the bar too.
she still loves it there.
not me.
i hate that place.
so sad.
i was so excited to work there, and so intrigued by the place.
it drained my spirit quick.
there's just a bad vibe there.
mary loves it though.
she loves all the attention she gets from the rednecks.
and she likes that she has at least some people to socialize with.
the rednecks don't pay me that attention.
so i sort of quit a couple weeks ago.
i didn't really give notice or anything.
it's not that kind of place.

i just quit going.
stupid bar.
stupid rednecks.

and what else?
i don't know.
i still love it here as much as ever.

TX is awesome.

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